We have come to know and to believe
the love that God has for us.
1 John 4:16

Sermons on Prayer

Michaelmas 4, 2021

Almighty, everlasting God, who by Your Son have promised us forgiveness of our sins, justification, and eternal life: we beseech You so to govern and quicken our hearts by Your Holy Spirit that we may by daily prayer in all trials, seek such help from Him, and by steadfast faith in His Word and promise,…

Trinity 15, 2021

Lord God, heavenly Father, we thank You for all your benefits in giving us life and limb and graciously sustaining them until now, and we beseech You not to take Your blessing away from us, but keep us from covetousness, that we may serve You alone, love You, and cling to You, and not sin…

Trinity 5, 2021

Lord, I love the habitation of Your house and the place where Your glory dwells. In the multitude of Your tender mercies prepare our hearts that we may enter Your house to worship and confess Your holy name, through Jesus Christ, our God and Lord. Amen. (PCC #145) Amen. God’s grace, mercy, and peace are…

Sunday after Ascension, 2021

16 May 2021 O King of glory, Lord of hosts, uplifted in triumph far above all heavens, leave us not without consolation but send us the Spirit of truth whom You promised from the Father; for You live and reign with Him and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen. (TDP) God’s grace,…

Easter 6, 2021

O Father, we thank Thee for the Church which Thou hast raised up in many parts of the earth, and we pray for all those whom Thou hast called into it; guide them through perplexities; defend them amid oppression and hatred; strengthen and uphold those who face persecution for Christ’s sake, and evermore enrich them…

Easter 4, 2021

April 25, 2021 (2015) Easter 4, Jubilate O heavenly Father, Whose blessed Son, Jesus Christ, did weep at the grave of Lazarus, His friend: Look, we beseech Thee, with compassion upon those who are now in sorrow and affliction: comfort them, O Lord, with Thy gracious consolations; make them to know that all things work…