My name is Julie Renner and I have been teaching at Lakewood since 2013. Before teaching at Lakewood, I worked with a Speech Therapist in an elementary school in Alaska. I have worked with several age groups. My husband is retired Air Force, so we moved several times.
I taught different ages between K-2 in South Dakota. I taught 2nd grade for five years and a few months of PE in Okinawa, Japan. I worked with birth to 3-year-olds in New Mexico. I taught a couple of years of preschool after I graduated from Martin Luther College.
My father was also in the Air Force, so we moved quite a bit. My parents were originally from Minnesota, so I claim it as my home state! Go Vikings! My husband’s last assignment was to the base here in Washington and we decided to stay.
We have two children who are both married. I enjoy spending time with family, visiting with my grandson, taking walks, dancing, scrapbooking, playing games, playing sports and chatting with people.
I am grateful and blessed to be able to share the love of Christ every day at school.